Bail Funds For Campus Encampments

Bail Funds For Campus Encampments

A collection of bail funds for campus encampments and the National Bail Fund Network. Please share on social media.

Protect students' right to protest!

“ In the past couple of weeks, we’ve witnessed the arrests and violence against students who are exercising their First Amendment right to protest against college and university support for the Israeli government’s assault on Gaza. The First Amendment protects freedom of speech and freedom of assembly—and for generations, students at campuses have protested and changed the course of history. Violence against students must end. Full stop.”

The Free Palestine pack

“Download this graphics pack to support Palestinian liberation. Share where these graphics end up by tagging @chronicculturalwork on IG!”

Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter made by and for disabled + chronically ill people. This newsletter highlights digital actions we can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Allies are invited to take action with us. Feel free to share with your crip kin and allies.