Gaza Media Resources

Gaza Media Resources

“An open-access library of resources in various formats, PNGs for social media cards & PDFs for guides. We invite you to join this collective effort by utilizing, remixing, and sharing these resources. Consider joining our coalition or contributing to content creation and localizations. Share your insights to help shape future resources and please communicate your urgent needs directly to us via social media or in our “Contribute/ Request” section of this site.”


“Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah, West Bank. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT, irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator, and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable.”

Palestine speaks for everyone

“Oppressed people fight back against their oppressors by every means necessary. They choose — and are forced to choose by the settings in which their liberation struggles take place — the strategies and tactics they need to win. How much dissent will the oppressor tolerate? How much force will the oppressor use to quash rebellion? How dependent is the oppressor on the compliance of the oppressed? How much moral opprobrium is the oppressor willing to absorb? To recognize the right to resist an oppressor, the right to national self-determination, means defending those willing and able to fight back against their oppressors.”

Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter made by and for disabled + chronically ill people. This newsletter highlights digital actions we can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Allies are invited to take action with us. Feel free to share with your crip kin and allies.