Cosmetics Boycott for Palestine

Cosmetics Boycott for Palestine

“There are 4 main cosmetics boycott targets who actively fund the israeli apartheid regime and operate on illegal settlements in Palestine: L'oreal, Estee Lauder, P&G, and Johnson & Johnson.”

This spreadsheet indicates which drugstores and popular cosmetics brands have ties with Israel, and safe alternatives to switch to.

Fund UNRWA Now

“As Palestinians in Gaza are being starved to death by Israel's brutal siege, Congress and the Biden administration have halted funding to UNRWA through March of 2025. This is collective punishment — a war crime — and it is enabling Israel's unfolding genocide. Write to your member of Congress now: Demand that they reinstate funding to UNRWA immediately.”

Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!

“Although there was a peace agreement in 2002, and Rwanda and Uganda agreed to withdraw their militaries and cease the occupation of the Congo, both countries have resorted to sponsoring militia groups in the east of Congo to destabilize and continue the plunder of Congo's resources. The two governments, particularly Rwanda have been able to escape accountability and justice in large part because they have benefited from diplomatic and political cover from the United States. Let your member of Congress know that 25 years of war and plunder of Congo is enough.”

Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter made by and for disabled + chronically ill people. This newsletter highlights digital actions we can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Allies are invited to take action with us. Feel free to share with your crip kin and allies.