Protect Palestinian digital rights

Protect Palestinian Digital Rights

“For decades, the international community has been in the dark about what is happening in Israel & Palestine. With the advent of social media, Palestinians were able to share their everyday experiences openly with the world. However, online censorship is threatening to once again conceal realities on the ground, while the world calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. In such dire times, Palestinians need to be able to tell their story to the world! Help 7amleh protect their right to do so.”

Resources on queer and trans Palestine

Queer & Trans Muslim Solidarity Network has compiled a document to “uplift Queer and Trans Palestinians, resist Pinkwashing/Purplewashing and to spread awareness on the ongoing genocide while promoting Transnational Solidarity. We hope that organizations, when talking about Palestinian Liberation, center ONLY Palestinian folk and their own experiences, demands, platforms and initiatives. When doing solidarity work on Queer and Trans Palestinians, we must be equipped with the necessary resources and information to ensure we are not causing harm and/or perpetuating it.”

Fundraisers for Sudan

Keep Eyes On Sudan is “a callout to the world to bear witness to the injustices Sudanese people are facing, to urge their governments to do take a stand, to add their voices to ours and to amplify the calls of the Sudanese people.” Standing for a free Palestine means standing for the freedom and liberation of all oppressed people. Please consider supporting one of the fundraisers collated by Keep Eyes On Sudan, and keep sharing updates from Sudanese folk on social media.

Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter made by and for disabled + chronically ill people. This newsletter highlights digital actions we can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Allies are invited to take action with us. Feel free to share with your crip kin and allies.