Support queer and trans Palestinians

Support queer and trans Palestinians

“In response to ongoing genocides, MASGD is laying the groundwork for the first entirely peer-run queer and trans Muslim helpline. This initiative comes in direct response to our community's calls for immediate aid. The helpline will offer peer support, a method where individuals with shared experiences assist others as they confront various challenges.”

Print-Your-Own Palestine Zines

ZINE COOP is an indie publishing artist collective that promotes zine culture in Hong Kong. They have put together a collection of free Palestine zines to read, print, and share widely.

Imprisoning Palestine: The prison of Palestine through an abolitionist lens

“Today, more than ever, it remains crucial to center any discussion about Palestinian liberation through the lens of abolition and a complete rejection of carcerality. In this context, Incarceration is not only related to prisons and prisoners, but touches upon every aspect of our life. From the moment of birth, Palestinians must contend with being criminalized for existing. We are surveilled and censored, our oppression normalized, and our bodies corralled into various open-air and closed prisons.”

Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter made by and for disabled + chronically ill people. This newsletter highlights digital actions we can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Allies are invited to take action with us. Feel free to share with your crip kin and allies.